WP3. Survey of mega providers

Read the book of country reports: The Provision of E-learning in the European Union
The partners survey the nominated institutions based on an interview guide.

Preliminary country Reports

Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Malta
United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic
Austria and Cyprus
Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia


Nominated providers

Type of result: Toolbox with models and templates for analysis of cost-effectiveness and sustainability
Duration: 01.04.06 - 30.06.06

Regional responsibilities

NKI: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands
DEI: Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Estonia: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic
UOC: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Greece
EDEN: Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia
Norgesuniversitetet: Norway
BUTE: Austria, Cyprus

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